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All Empyrean LoL Skins

Step into the electrifying world of Summoner's Rift where the Empyrean skins bring a new level of energy to League of Legends. As a part of the cutting-edge Neon Strata collection, these skins reimagine League's champions as recipients of the Foreglow's mysterious power, a transformative cosmic force that empowers them beyond their wildest capabilities. With each champion uniquely enhanced, the skins offer a glimpse into a future where might and mystery collide.

Among these newly empowered beings is the trailblazer Empyrean Pyke, taking the lead in a realm where the normal limits do not apply. These champions, now turned Empyreans, command the battlefield with an imposing presence. Their newfound might is not only a spectacle of visual vibrancy but a testament to the unbridled chaos they bring forth, shaking the very foundations of their universe.

League of Legends‘ Empyrean Skin Collection

A Disturbance Across the Realm

Empyrean Akali joins the skin collection, bringing with her an essence of familiarity with a twist. Her signature white locks, a remnant of her past appearances, shimmer against the backdrop of her new cosmic identity. Although traces of her historical iterations are evident, the skin distinguishes itself with unique auditory and visual elements. When Akali deploys her Twilight Shroud, there's a noticeable gap in the smoke design which may leave enthusiasts wanting more. Yet, it’s her recall animation that truly nods to Gwen’s iconic entrance in the Spider-Verse.

Champions Ascended

  • Empyrean Lux
  • Empyrean Zed
  • Empyrean Nocturne
  • Empyrean Vex
  • Empyrean Zac
  • Empyrean Brand
  • Empyrean Malzahar
  • Empyrean Jax

Empyrean Zed, for enthusiasts of interdimensional lore, is a skin that captivates, reminiscent of the famed Miguel O’Hara. Once Zed activates his W, a splatter of neon disrupts the battlefield, begging for onlookers‘ attention. Malzahar’s Empyrean form melds seamlessly with his backstory, his voidlings now nightmarish figures—amplified further than his previous skin renditions and reflecting the universe-spanning narrative with visceral clarity.

Standouts of the Celestial Glow

  • Empyrean Pyke
  • Empyrean Jhin
  • Empyrean K’Sante
  • Empyrean Varus
  • Empyrean Kayle

Pyke, known for his cutthroat predisposition, truly epitomizes the pinnacle of Empyrean elegance. Empyrean Pyke captivates with sharp sound designs, fluid animations, and a unique twist on the classic Pentakill, altering the very landscape of Summoner’s Rift. It’s a rendering that captures the player's imagination in subsequent matches.

Empyrean Varus shines just as brightly, delivering effects that are both stunning and synergistic with the cosmic theme. His abilities, especially the Q, Piercing Arrow, leave behind a stardust trail that momentarily gives players a glimpse of the cosmic enigma that is the Foreglow.

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