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Riot Games brings changes to League of Legends rewards

In recent years, Riot Games has introduced League of Legends players to in-game events. At important tournaments like Worlds or unique events like the premiere of Arcane, Riot often hosts special in-game events where players can unlock unique rewards.

The game developer is going to change the way those rewards can be unlocked. In a blog on the League of Legends website, Riot announces that the „events team,“ the team in charge of in-game events, has revised the way players unlock rewards. Players will still have to complete missions to get rewards as before, but it's going to take much less time.

New way

Previously, it was a real grind for players to complete all the missions in an event to get all the rewards. With the new way, this problem is going to be fixed. Starting with the next in-game event, Riot will introduce fans to the new approach.

In the upcoming event, players will receive points for the time spent in-game, and not for how many games are played. For every minute in a game, players will receive four points when they lose and six points per minute when they win. This applies to games on Summoner's Rift, ARAM and temporary game modes like Ultimate Spellbook and URF.

In Teamfight Tactic and games against bots, players also receive points, but a reduced number per minute. Missions that require a certain number of kills or turrets destroyed are unchanged.

Upcoming event

The next in-game event will kick off on Thursday, December 9. In honor of the new Debonair skins of Brand, Master Yi, Zed, Leona, Malzahar, Draven and LeBlanc, Riot is hosting the Debonair event where players can once again earn unique rewards.

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