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How to Get Free Valorant Points

Valorant players often find themselves just short of the necessary Valorant Points (VP) needed to acquire that coveted new skin bundle. Fortunately, there's a legitimate method provided by Riot Games allowing players to obtain these elusive points without reaching for their wallets. By navigating to Riot Games’ support system, players have the opportunity to request Valorant Points directly.

The generosity of free VP is at the discretion of Riot Games, and while there's no guarantee on the quantity, players have this unique avenue to potentially bolster their in-game currency. This process has been verified for authenticity, simplifying the task for Valorant enthusiasts who might find themselves in need of a few extra points.

Guide to Acquiring Complimentary Valorant Points

Accessing Your Valorant Profile

Before you embark on the journey to request complimentary points, ensure you are signed into the Valorant account that you intend to use. This step is crucial for all subsequent actions.

Raising a Support Ticket

Next, navigate to Valorant's support platform and create a new ticket. You'll be faced with options; choose „Purchases & In-Game Content“ or „General“ to proceed. Be precise and mention „Valorant Points“ clearly in your subject for the support team's easy reference. For the inquiry type, opt for „I need help with something else“ and specify „Weapon Skins“ to further clarify your ticket.

Articulating Your Request

Communicate with the Player Support by asking for a piece of art you can create in exchange for points, or if you already have artwork, attach it right away. If you're aiming for a specific number of Valorant Points, don't hesitate to specify the amount in your request.

Artistic Submission

If a task was your initial inquiry, wait for the Player Support's assignment, complete it, and send your artistic creation to them. The submission could be anything from drawings to audio tracks, depending on what you're comfortable with or skilled in.

Awaiting Valorant Points Allocation

The final step is to hope for a positive response. The Player Support team will review your submission and grant you the Valorant Points, depositing them directly into your account. Remember, this is a rare opportunity limited to a one-time request, so put your best foot forward. The granted amount is at the discretion of the support representative, so your effort could really pay off.

It's worth noting that this method is particularly geared towards players marginally short of points for in-game items they desire. Initially inspired by League of Legends enthusiasts, this „RP Art“ practice affords a creative way to bridge the gap for the last few needed points. Riot Games even celebrates this community-driven engagement with visual representations of fan contributions.

Tables summarizing the steps:

Step Number Task Description
1 Account Sign-In Log in to the correct Valorant account.
2 Ticket Creation Use the correct category on the support page.
3 Points Request or Art Submission Ask for a creative task or submit a completed one.
4 Awaiting Task & Completing Submission Carry out the task given by the support team.
5 Points Receipt Check account for the awarded Valorant Points.
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