Cold War gets Ranked Mode
Dubbed „League Play“, the mode allows hardcore players to test their strength in defined matches and climb up rankings. However, not everyone is happy.
Now it's here, the much requested Ranked Mode in Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War. With the latest patch, hardcore players who want more than just casual action in multiplayer can compare their skills with equal opponents.
Play like the pros
The rules in League Play are basically the same as in Call of Duty League. The same maps and game modes (Hardpoint, Control and Search and Destroy) will be available as in the matchups of the eSports pros from Optic, 100T and co. The same restrictions also apply, so certain weapons or perks are not available here.
Initially, players will be placed into one of five skill divisions. Depending on your performance, you will be classified as Competitor, Advanced, Expert, Elite or Master and will fight against players in these levels from then on. Competitor will be about 50 percent of all players, while only the top 2 percent will reach the Master title. Within the divisions, players can then grind for ranks, of which there are 30 in total. As a bonus, players will also receive special calling cards.
Of course, it doesn't take long for criticism from the community to spread. According to CouRage, this is „not a true ranking system“. The COD-YouTuber wishes that Activision would learn from other titles like Valorant and CS:GO.
Developers see themselves confirmed
„League Play in Black Ops 4 was by far the most played mode in Black Ops history,“ the developers explain on the COD website. They see confirmation in the fact that the community invested so much time in the game mode and are sure that the model is better than the one from Black Ops II. „The mode fixed some problems from Black Ops II by introducing a progressive rank system, increasing the event count and therefore speeding up matchmaking,“ Treyarch's statement reads.