LoL Patch 14.18 Release Date
As the release of LoL patch 14.18 draws near, significant transformations are anticipated in the League of Legends meta. This patch, the 18th for Season 14, brings a host of updates that will notably impact professional gameplay.
The forthcoming changes include various champion buffs, nerfs, and system adjustments. Players can look forward to a refreshed competitive landscape when these updates go live.
LoL patch 14.18 preview
LoL patch 14.18 brings substantial changes to the game, specifically targeting the meta for the upcoming World Championship (Worlds). This update includes critical adjustments affecting 30 different champions, with 13 champions receiving buffs and 17 champions being nerfed.
A major focus of this patch addresses the issue of lane swaps, which have become a standard tactic in the professional scene. Teams often use lane swaps to avoid unfavorable matchups, thereby enhancing their early game. This patch aims to curtail these strategies by making it harder to take the first plate in the top lane and increasing the value of plates in the bottom lane, particularly after the first crash. These changes are designed to foster more balanced and interactive laning phases, improving the experience for both players and spectators.
Significant modifications are also made to AP (Ability Power) items to level the playing field for mages. Items like Liandry’s Torment are currently too strong, whereas other AP items are seen as underwhelming. To address this imbalance, Riot is reducing the Stormsurge threshold on several AP items, making it easier for mages to activate their effects compared to melee champions.
One noteworthy change is the nerf to Fleet Footwork for ranged champions. This rune has been making it tough to engage with ADCs (Attack Damage Carries) in the mid lane. As a response, Riot is adjusting melee healing to restore its prior effectiveness, thereby making the game more balanced for melee champions.
Adjustments are also made to two popular ADC items: Bloodthirster and Shieldbow. These items have been providing too much durability for certain ranged champions. The aim of these changes isn’t to weaken the items significantly but to create a more balanced state between ADCs and melee champions who utilize these items.
LoL Patch 14.18 Release Date
LoL patch 14.18 is set to release on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 (PT). This patch includes significant changes for the competitive meta, specifically tuned for the Worlds 2024 tournament. Additionally, two new skins are introduced: Janitor Thresh and Lawyer Azir. This update aims to balance gameplay and provide fresh content for players.