Current tips

Valorant: This is how the „Counter-Strafing“ works

Getting into a game like Valorant can be very difficult. However, with certain techniques, success will come quickly. We'll show you one of them here, and it's the „Counter-Strafing“. Valorant is a competitive shooter in the style of Counter Strike, and therefore requires a lot of skill and precision. To get better at the game, skillful movement is required in addition to better aiming.

A basic technique is the so-called „strafing“, which refers to the targeted lateral movement in the shooter genre. If you never stand still, it's logically harder to get hit.

To do this, players simply have to press A or D on the keyboard to make the character move directly to the left or right without turning.

This is how „„Counter-Strafing“ works in Valorant.

An advanced technique that professionals often use and show in tutorials is „counter-strafing“. As the name suggests, this technique is a kind of counter-move to the normal „strafing“. To perform it, players must move sideways and immediately press the opposite key. So, first the D key is used to move to the right, and then immediately A is used to move in the opposite direction.

Sounds simple, but it is very difficult to master.

The most important thing with this technique is to never lose sight of your opponent during the fast movements. Only by doing this, i.e. with optimal precision, is „counter-strafe“ a true advantage.

So, in the best case, this mechanic is first properly practiced before it is then used in duels. Otherwise, capturing enemies will be much harder than when standing still. Overall, though, it's a real pro tip, because it allows players to peek out from behind corners, fire shots at lightning speed, and then disappear behind cover again.

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