Over the past month, players were able to get their hands on a beta of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 twice. That's for good reason because it allows developer Infinity Ward to incorporate feedback before the game releases. Now the studio has shared a number of points for which specific attention is yet to come.
Developers test their games as best they can before release, but with thousands of players you always discover much more. The beta for Modern Warfare 2 shows that once again. Players have discovered many bugs, but Infinity Ward is also going to work on player feedback.
For example, the volume of footsteps and the visibility of enemies were major points of interest. Both are important to have a good sense of what is happening around you, but footsteps were too loud according to many players, while visibility was a bit on the low side. Both will be further balanced before release. In particular, the visibility of players who are far away should be better than just a name tag.
Players also had problems with lobbies falling apart. That was already addressed between the two beta weekends, but players are still not satisfied. Lobbies should be a lot more likely to stay together despite any setbacks upon release.
When is the release of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2?
With the beta behind us, the release of Modern Warfare 2 is pretty close. In fact, the game will be released on Oct. 28. Before then, there will also be some work on weapons and the camera in third-person mode.