Our top 5 Hearthstone cards from Voyage to the Sunken City
This Tuesday, the new Hearthstone expansion Voyage to the Sunken City will be released, adding 135 new cards to the game. We have made a selection of the five cards that seem the strongest, most fun or most interesting to us.
5. Amalgam of the Deep
There have been a number of minions in the history of Hearthstone that belong to all the minion tribes, but this seems to us to be the strongest by far. The most logical place for this card is as a strong addition to any deck built on one of Hearthstone's many tribes. Be it Mech Paladin, Murloc Warlock, Beast Hunter or the new Naga Mage, any deck can make use of this card to solidify their own gameplan. Alongside this, in an emergency situation you can play your second Amalgam of the Deep on the first, to perhaps get a surprising card from another tribe that can turn the tide for you. In any case, we think Amalgam of the Deep is going to find a place in the Hearthstone meta anyway, whether it's as a Mech or as a Murloc.
4. Aquatic Form
Cards that don't cost mana are almost always strong in Hearthstone, and this seems to us to be no exception. Without paying mana, you can look at the three cards at the bottom of your deck, and almost certainly grab one of them. All for nought! This means you can actually play a deck of 28 cards, which makes it more consistent that you'll find the cards you're looking for. Aquatic Form seems like an incredibly strong card to us, and we won't be surprised if you start seeing it in every Druid deck ever from now on.
3. Glugg the Gulper
For this spot on the list, we're actually cheating a bit. We're not just talking about Glugg the Gulper, but all the Colossal cards. Giant sea monsters occupying multiple spots on the board are cool by design, and with the addition of beautiful card art and interesting effects, we are very excited about this colossal addition to Hearthstone. Glugg in particular looks very cool, and fits the art perfectly in terms of effects. This monster eats everything to gain more stats, including his own tail. Whether it will be Glugg or one of his colossal companions, we hope to see at least a few Colossal minions back in the Hearthstone meta.
2. Pirate Admiral Hooktusk
In the 2018 Rastakhan's Rumble expansion, we came across the card Captain Hooktusk, a Rogue legendary that took three pirates out of your deck and gave them rush. Now she's back, and toffer than ever. With a fierce restriction, summoning a bunch of pirates, she gives you the option to steal cards from your opponent. This is an effect we've hardly seen in Hearthstone before, but always proves to be very powerful. We're curious to see if Hooktusk is going to plunder a lot of loot in the Sunken City, or sink to the bottom of the meta.
1. Queen Azshara
Queen Azshara has everything we look for in a Hearthstone map. First, it's a versatile card that fits into a variety of decks and strategies. Second, it seems to be a very strong card that can turn the tide in a game of Hearthstone on its own. Lastly, it is a card that is steeped in the story of World of Warcraft, from the character herself to the ancient relics she makes available to the player. Whether it's by summoning a large colossal minion, using Xal'atath to quickly destroy our opponent, or with a bunch of random nonsense thanks to the Tidestone of Golganneth, we're at least very curious to see what Queen Azshara has in store for Hearthstone.