Mouse and Keyboard Settings
Fine-tuning settings for mouse and keyboard can significantly improve a player's accuracy, reaction time, and movement in Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone. Adjusting these settings is essential for maintaining control on the battlefield, whether in multiplayer skirmishes or intense battle royale matches.
This guide, informed by insights from Call of Duty expert Isaac “IceManIsaac” Hamilton, aims to provide the best settings for mouse and keyboard. By following these recommendations, players can enhance their gameplay and dominate their opponents with greater precision and agility.
Optimize Your Play: Best Mouse and Keyboard Settings in MW3 and Warzone
Setting your mouse sensitivity depends on personal preference and comfort. A good starting point is to adjust it so that one full swipe of your mouse lets you complete a 360-degree turn. Below is a table with suggested settings:
Setting | Option |
Mouse Sensitivity | 2.60 (DPI 1600) |
ADS Sensitivity Multiplier | 1.00 |
ADS Sens. Multiplier (Focus) | 1.00 |
ADS Sensitivity Type | Relative |
Monitor Distance Coefficient | 1.33 |
Custom Sensitivity per Zoom | Off |
Vertical Aim Axis | Default |
Third Person ADS Correction Type | Precision |
Mouse Calibration | Default |
Use System Mouse Cursor | Off |
Keybinds are highly personal, but some standard options can improve gameplay efficiency and accessibility.
Movement Keybinds
Setting | Option |
Move Forward | W |
Move Backward | S |
Move Left | A |
Move Right | D |
Walk | — |
Auto Move Forward | G |
Jump/Stand/Mantle | Space Bar |
Prone/Dive | Rear Mouse Button |
Change Stance/Slide/Dive | — |
Crouch/Slide | Left Control (CTRL) |
Sprint/Tactical Sprint/Focus | Left Shift |
Interact | F |
Open Parachute | Space Bar |
Movement Advanced Keybinds
Setting | Option |
Cut Parachute | Left Control (CTRL) |
Last Stand Give Up | Left Control (CTRL) |
Parachute Free Look | Q |
Combat Keybinds
Setting | Option |
Fire Weapon | Left Click Mouse Button |
Aim Down Sight | Right Click Mouse Button |
Reload | R |
Next Weapon | 1, 2 |
Weapon Mount | Z |
Tactical Stance | — |
Weapon Inspect | T |
Fire Mode | — |
Melee | E |
Lethal Equipment | Mouse Wheel Button |
Tactical Equipment | Q |
Field Upgrade | X |
Armor Plate/Drop Item | 4 |
Vehicle Keybinds
Leaving these settings as default is recommended unless customization is desired.
Overlay Keybinds
Setting | Option |
Scoreboard | TAB |
Scoreboard (Battle Royale) | Grave key (`) |
Map | B, M |
Ping | Front Mouse Button |
Ping Wheel | ALT |
Danger Ping | — |
Text Chat | Preference |
In-game Statistics | Grave key (`) |
Gameplay Statistics (Battle Royale) | U |
Menu Action
Setting | Option |
Launcher Menu | F1 |
Social Menu | F2 |
Settings Menu | F3 |
Push to Talk | P |
Menu Advanced Keybinds | Preference |
Improving your gameplay performance involves adjusting several settings to fit your playstyle. Here are some recommended configurations:
Movement Behavior
Setting | Option |
Crouch Behavior | Toggle |
Prone Behavior | Go To |
Automatic Sprint | Automatic Tactical Sprint |
Slide Maintains Sprint | Off |
Sprint/Tactical Sprint Behavior | Toggle (Locked) |
Tactical Sprint Behavior | Single Tap Run |
Close Backpack on Sprint | On |
Walk Behavior | Hold |