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How to Get Point Blank Kills in MW3

Understanding the variety of kill methods in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is crucial for players looking to rise to the challenge of weekly and camo challenges. Among these methods, Point Blank Kills hold a special significance as they often form a component of the tasks that players need to complete.

Point Blank Kills demand a high level of precision and aggression, as they involve eliminating an opponent from an extremely close range. This technique stands alongside Longshot Kills and Toxic Damage Kills, each requiring different strategies and skills, thereby enriching the gameplay experience for avid players of Modern Warfare 3.

Securing Close-Range Eliminations in MW3

Achieving Point Blank Kills in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 involves engaging enemy players at a very short distance, essentially being within arm's reach. The challenge arises due to the minimal opportunity to use your weapon's sights in such close combat situations. Instead, one must capitalize on the precise moment for attack.

Key strategies to consistently perform Point Blank Kills include:

  • Selecting Smaller Maps: Encounters in tight spaces are frequent, increasing the likelihood of encountering opponents at the necessary range.
  • Playing Specific Playlists: Small map rotations often present more opportunities for close-quarter engagements.
  • Strategically Using the Map: Even larger maps have confined areas ripe for ambushes. Position yourself in these spots to surprise passing enemies.
  • Favoring Hip Fire: Improving hip fire accuracy via appropriate attachments can enhance your ability to swiftly neutralize targets without aiming down the sights.

When choosing weaponry, certain classes shine in short-range combat:

  • Submachine Guns (SMGs): Optimal for their rate of fire and maneuverability. Top choices include the HRM-9 and Striker 9.
  • Shotguns: Their powerful blast is ideal for quick eliminations in close quarters. Preferred models are the Expedite-12, Lockwood 680, and KV Broadside.

The Zombies mode also presents abundant chances to execute Point Blank Kills, as the undead adversaries close in on your position, easing the completion of such challenges.

For players looking to excel in this particular skill, these pointers can be a reliable roadmap to mastering Point Blank Kills, thereby advancing through associated challenges with less difficulty.

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