Guinevere Guide
Guinevere stands as a formidable force in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. Born to a family renowned for their magical prowess, she leverages her unique abilities to influence battles significantly. As a mage-fighter hybrid, her role on the battlefield is marked by a blend of crowd control and explosive damage, making her a versatile asset to any team.
Her capacity to disrupt enemy formations with her magical skills underscores her strategic value. Additionally, Guinevere's ability to deliver devastating strikes, coupled with her resilience, positions her as a daunting presence in both short bursts and prolonged engagements. For players seeking a hero capable of dominating team fights or altering the course of a game with sheer power, Guinevere remains an exceptional choice.
Skills of Guinevere in Mobile Legends
Passive – Magical Power Surge
Guinevere has a unique ability that enhances her damage against opponents she thrusts into the air. Her basic attacks inflict magic damage and gather magical power during fights. Once fully charged, her subsequent basic attack becomes guided, delivering magic damage and replenishing her health.
- Those struck by Guinevere's improved basic attack, her energy projectile, or her teleportation ability are temporarily marked.
- Enemies with enough marks are propelled skyward when hit by her special ultimate attack.
- This passive skill empowers her to inflict substantial and continuous damage, making her a formidable force.
First Skill – Energy Blast
In this skill, Guinevere projects an orb of energy in a chosen direction, dealing magic damage to the first enemy it strikes and causing a slow effect for a short time. Hitting an enemy successfully reduces all her cooldowns slightly.
- This skill is ideal for poking enemies and efficiently clearing creeps in the laning phase.
- Manually aiming this skill is recommended to capitalize on the cooldown reduction.
- As a crucial damage-dealing ability in the early stages, it is advisable to upgrade this skill first.
Second Skill – Teleportation Thump
Guinevere’s teleportation ability involves a powerful thumping action at the target location, dealing magic damage and reducing movement speed of enemies within the area of effect. Enemies and creeps affected are thrown into the air and take additional magic damage.
Following the ability's use, she can activate it again briefly to move toward a target direction, leaving an illusion behind. This illusion, when damaged, replenishes her magical power and detonates after a few seconds, inflicting damage to nearby foes.
- This skill serves as her primary means of engagement and crowd control.
- Effective positioning can be achieved by approaching invisibly using cover and directing it toward an enemy.
- Reactivate promptly to pursue fleeing adversaries or as a tactical retreat when circumstances demand.
Ultimate – Energetic Reclamation
Guinevere’s ultimate involves generating an aura for a brief duration, assaulting nearby opponents several times in a short timeframe and dealing magic damage. Should the enemies be airborne, they experience repeated airborne effects multiple times. During this period, Guinevere is resistant to crowd control.
- Use this ability in conjunction with her teleportation thump to maximize damage potential.
- It is beneficial not only offensively but also defensively, as she remains unaffected by crowd control, allowing for a strategic retreat.
- Particularly effective in early-game skirmishes, this ultimate provides excellent opportunities to gain an advantage.
Detailed Instructions for Playing Guinevere in Mobile Legends
Suggested Battle Ability
Guinevere excels in the jungle role, primarily due to her significant early-game damage capacity. The Retribution ability significantly enhances her speed and efficiency in clearing jungle camps, allowing her to collect items and secure objectives faster. The Ice variant of this spell also improves her kill potential by slowing down opponents, enhancing her agility while reducing their movement speed. When Guinevere takes on a roaming role, opting for Flicker is advantageous. This skill increases her mobility and enhances her ability to gank, working seamlessly with her Spatial Migration ability to reach and disrupt opponents in backlines.
Ideal Emblem Settings
Guinevere has a variety of emblem choices that can enhance her effectiveness in different roles. As a jungler, starting with Thrill greatly enhances her early damage, whereas Inspire provides additional cooldown reduction. The Seasoned Hunter talent is beneficial when competing for objectives. For her main talent, Impure Rage adds skill damage in harmony with her abilities. As a roamer, Firmness provides extra physical and magical defense helpful for lane sustain. Coupled with Wilderness Blessing, it boosts her mobility for ganks. Choosing Brave Smite as the primary talent restores health upon landing skills, bolstering survivability during aggressive plays.
Optimal Build for Guinevere
When playing Guinevere in the jungle, prioritizing items that enhance magic damage and penetration is vital. Start with Arcane Boots, then acquire Starlium Scythe and Holy Crystal in the early to mid-game for optimal performance. As the game progresses, focus on Concentrated Energy for spell vamp to improve her endurance. Finish the build with Divine Glaive and Blood Wings to overcome opponents with magic defense, ensuring her damage remains impactful.
For a roaming Guinevere, defensive equipment is essential. In the early to mid-game, prioritize Dominance Ice followed by either Athena’s Shield or Radiant Armor. Add Immortality to enhance her resilience and increase physical defense with items like Bruteforce Breastplate. Choose between Blade Armor or Antique Cuirass based on the opponent's strategy.
Jungle-focused Guinevere Build:
- Arcane Boots
- Starlium Scythe
- Holy Crystal
- Concentrated Energy
- Divine Glaive
- Blood Wings
Roaming-focused Guinevere Build:
- Tough Boots
- Dominance Ice
- Athena’s Shield
- Immortality
- Blade Armor
- Bruteforce Breastplate
Practical Advice and Quick Combos
Guinevere's potential peaks as early as level four, which should be exploited by conducting strategic lane ganks. Conceal in the bushes while approaching enemies and initiate with Spatial Migration. Follow immediately with Violet Requiem for significant burst damage. Should an enemy attempt to escape, reactivate Spatial Migration towards their path opting for Energy Wave to inflict additional damage and slow them down.
Upon accumulating sufficient stack count, Super Magic can be activated to further amplify damage output and chase capabilities. Utilize Ice Retribution to pursue foes more aggressively.
As a roamer, it is often unnecessary to catch multiple enemies with Spatial Migration simultaneously. Zeroing in on a crucial enemy damage dealer, such as mages or high-value targets like gold laners or junglers, can be just as impactful for the team’s strategy.