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Unlocking the Blue Monsoon Outfit

Unlocking the Blue Monsoon outfit in the game Stellar Blade is an alluring prospect for gamers looking to enhance their virtual experience. Acclaimed as one of the standout costumes for the character EVE, this attire is ideal for players who seek to visit the in-game Great Desert Oasis, whether it's to bask in digital sunshine, take a leisurely swim, or engage in a serene fishing session.

For those eager to acquire this coveted bikini costume, there's a specific side quest to conquer. Successfully completing this quest not only rewards players with the Blue Monsoon outfit but also adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the overall gaming adventure.

Securing the Blue Monsoon Swimsuit in Stellar Blade

Initiating the Item Retrieval Task

  • One must begin by selecting the Bulletin Board's „Where's the Item“ task.
  • Initiate tracking by pressing X and set off towards the Great Desert.
  • Head towards the mission indicator located on the region's eastern boundary.
  • Tread cautiously on the demolished roadway, avoiding the volatile crates.
  • Locate and procure Frank's Bag.
  • Return the item to the Bulletin Board to mark this task as complete.

Embarking on the Treasured Discovery Quest

  • The Treasure pursuit should be collected next from the Bulletin Board set of tasks.
  • Activate the tracking feature and revisit the Great Desert expanse.
  • The mission leads you to the southeastern terrains of this domain.
  • Spot a bus precariously positioned across a chasm; near it, barrels await detonation.
  • Discharge the barrels to dispatch the bus, forging a makeshift pathway.
  • Seek out the chest adjoined to the verdant automobile to claim the Blue Monsoon attire.
  • Concluding this venture involves a trip back to the Bulletin Board.
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