Fortnite developers respond (finally) to the inventory bug
It took 12 months for the developers of Fortnite to comment on the bug affecting the inventory of some players.
A bug in the inventory of Epic Games‘ Battle Royale, Fortnite, has had an impact on players, and more frequently on those playing the controller. Indeed, when a player opens his inventory, the game is supposed to take him to the first place on the list. Instead, the bug sends players to the last selected item in the inventory. This is a frustrating problem as it becomes more tedious to organize your inventory, drop items and prepare for battle without further ado.
Fortnite's inventory bug has been impacting the game for 12 months now, a wait that has become interminable. This is good news for players, as a fix will soon eradicate the problem.
Indeed, a player shared a screenshot of the bug on Reddit, the latter having caught the attention of Fortnite's developers. Many fans are feeling a sense of relief after this announcement.
However, another bug has been discovered, but this time it benefits players who are eager to take on the weekly challenges. The bug makes it possible to quickly and easily complete the challenge for Season 5, Week 12, the Zero Point Rush. But that's a whole different story!