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Gold Armor Vest

In the realm of Black Ops 6 Zombies, players encounter unique challenges and rewards that enhance gameplay and strategy. The Tomb map presents an exceptional opportunity with its Gold armor vest. This valuable piece of equipment stands apart by its capability to automatically restore protection over time, offering players an advantage during intense encounters.

This armor vest does not function like a typical shield. It recharges a three-plate vest in approximately 21 seconds, providing continuous defense. This recharging feature makes it a strategic asset for players aiming to survive longer and take on more formidable foes within the game. In understanding how this armor works, players can enhance their experience and improve their success in The Tomb map.

Golden Vest in BO6 Zombies in The Tomb

Obtaining the golden vest in Black Ops 6 Zombies within The Tomb is a challenging task. This powerful armor requires players to engage with a secret in-game Easter egg process. Unlocking it demands both strategy and persistence.

Steps to Acquire the Gold Armor Vest in Black Ops 6: The Tomb

To earn the Gold Armor Vest in the Black Ops 6 Zombies map, The Tomb, players need to undergo a series of strategic actions centered around two essential blood sacrifices. These tasks are easier with friends, though solo players can also find effective tactics.

Start by locating and breaking two specific crates:

  1. First Crate: Search in the Dark Aether near the Jug. Use melee attacks, like wielding a machete, or employ a firearm to destroy it.
  2. Second Crate: This is also in the Dark Aether, close to the green teleporter. Once hit, the box will explode, unveiling a head which can be picked up. If initially unable to pick it up, crouching may facilitate the action.

Once both heads are collected, players should return to the dig site spawn room. Two headless statues are present here. Stand next to each statue and attach a head onto them.

Preparation for Sacrifices:

Engaging in the rituals without a high fire-rate, tier-three Pack-A-Punched weapon is ill-advised. An effective trick involves using a “Timeout Gobblegum” during the ritual to momentarily freeze regular zombies, simplifying the process.

Executing the Rituals:

Activate the statue while simultaneously deploying a Chopper Gunner. This combination assists in defeating two of the three sacrificial targets. The last sacrifice can be eliminated using your weapon. Completion prompts a change in the statue's appearance.

For the second ritual, repeat the process with another Chopper Gunner. The subsequent wave presents a lesser challenge, making it manageable.

After both sacrifices are finished, head to the Pack-A-Punch area. There, players will discover two bulls. This is where the Gold Armor Vest emerges. It can be collected without cost, replacing the blue armor plates in the lower-left corner with gold ones—a significant upgrade enhancing survivability.

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