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Best Heroes to Counter Masha in Mobile Legends: Top Picks for Strategic Dominance

In Mobile Legends, countering Masha requires strategy and the right selection of heroes. Masha is known for her exceptional endurance and her ability to dismantle turrets with ease. Her unique skill set makes her a formidable opponent in the battlefield. She possesses great sustain, can recover health rapidly, and her ability to reduce her own HP for increased damage output makes her a threat to many. Therefore, it is essential for players to choose heroes that can either negate her regenerative capabilities or lock her down to prevent her from wreaking havoc.

Selecting the best heroes against Masha involves considering heroes with strong crowd control abilities, burst damage, and anti-regeneration skills. Heroes with stuns, slows, or suppressions can disrupt Masha's rhythm and are highly effective in team fights where she thrives. Additionally, heroes that can deliver a significant amount of damage in a short period can be useful in taking her down before she has the chance to recover. It is also advantageous to look for characters who possess abilities that can reduce or nullify healing effects, which directly counter Masha's sustain in combat.

Understanding Masha's Abilities

In Mobile Legends, Masha is known for her unique ability to manage three health bars and exceptional dueling capabilities. An in-depth look at her skills is crucial for understanding how to effectively counter her in battle.

Skill Analysis

  • Wild Power: Masha utilizes her energy to access different states, enhancing her basic attacks and defenses but draining her health.
  • Howl Shock: She unleashes a powerful roar, dealing physical damage to enemies and slowing them down.
  • Thunderclap: This skill empowers Masha's next basic attack, giving it extra damage and the ability to hit multiple targets.
Skills Description
Wild Power She has three health bars. With each bar lost, Masha's attack speed increases. Drains health to activate.
Howl Shock Masha roars, causing physical damage and slowing enemies.
Thunderclap Masha's next basic attack is empowered for extra damage and multi-target hitting ability.

Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Masha has the unique feature of having three health bars, which allows her to sustain in fights longer than most heroes.
  • Her ability to slow enemies with Howl Shock makes her adept at chasing down opponents.
  • Thunderclap not only deals significant damage but also hits multiple enemies, which is useful in team fights.


  • Masha's reliance on health for her Wild Power makes her susceptible to burst damage that can quickly deplete her health bars.
  • She has no true escape mechanism, leaving her vulnerable if caught out of position.
  • Controlling her energy levels is critical as mismanagement can leave her with diminished combat effectiveness.

General Countering Strategies

To effectively counter Masha in Mobile Legends, players need to focus on three main strategies: employing disabling effects to limit her mobility and disable her skills, dealing burst damage to take her down quickly, and reducing her sustain to prevent her from outlasting opponents in fights.

Disabling Effects

Crowd control abilities are crucial in countering Masha, as they can interrupt her skill set and reduce her effectiveness. Heroes with stuns, slows, or knockups should prioritize targeting Masha to help their team secure an advantage. For example:

  • Stuns: Heroes like Eudora and Aurora can fully immobilize Masha, preventing her from using her escape capabilities.
  • Slows: Gord’s and Valir's abilities can reduce Masha's movement speed, making her an easier target.

Burst Damage

Masha thrives in prolonged fights, so inflicting high damage in a short span is vital to overthrow her. Assassin heroes with strong burst potential can outpace her regeneration and Sustain Reduction.

  • Assassins: Heroes like Lancelot and Saber can deliver quick, heavy hits that deplete Masha's health bars before she can react.

Sustain Reduction

Masha can regenerate health, making her challenging to kill. Employing anti-regeneration effects can greatly diminish her sustainability in battle.

  • Anti-Regen Items: Necklace of Durance and Sea Halberd reduce her healing effects significantly.

By focusing on these specific strategies, players enhance their chances of countering Masha effectively.

Best Heroes by Role

In „Mobile Legends,“ countering Masha requires specific heroes from each role due to her unique skill set consisting of rapid health regeneration and strong offensive capabilities. Each role offers a different approach to effectively neutralize her potential in battle.

Marksman Heroes

  • Bruno: His high burst damage and critical hits can quickly deplete Masha's health pools.
  • Karrie: She excels against heroes with high HP, making her passive skill highly effective against Masha.

Mage Heroes

  • Nana: Her morph spell can disrupt Masha's ability to deal damage and regen health.
  • Kagura: She has superior poke and crowd control, which helps in kiting and controlling Masha.

Assassin Heroes

  • Ling: Ideal for targeting Masha during team fights due to his mobility and burst damage.
  • Saber: His ultimate can lock Masha down, providing his team an opportunity to focus her.

Tank Heroes

  • Khufra: Can prevent Masha from dashing away with his ball control and has crowd control to restrict her movements.
  • Franco: His hook and ultimate suppression can isolate and control Masha, hindering her combat effectiveness.

Support Heroes

  • Diggie: His time journey ability negates crowd control, which is essential against a Masha engaging in team fights.
  • Carmilla: Her curse effect reduces the physical and magical defense of Masha, making her more susceptible to damage.


Choosing the right items is crucial to countering Masha effectively. Each item must strategically undermine her strengths and exploit her weaknesses.

Anti-Regen Items

To counter Masha's significant regeneration capabilities, players should prioritize the acquisition of Anti-Regen Items.

  • Sea Halberd: Reduces the target’s HP regeneration by 50% for 3 seconds after dealing damage.
  • Necklace of Durance: Lowers the regen effect of the target by 50% for 3 seconds when dealing skill damage.

These items are essential to dampen her sustainability in fights.

Burst Damage Items

A well-chosen Burst Damage Item can be the key to rapidly depleting Masha's health pool.

  • Divine Glaive: Offers a magic penetration percentage which is ideal for mages trying to deal more damage to Masha.
  • Blade of Despair: Provides high physical attack and increases damage against enemies with health below a certain threshold.

Burst damage can overpower Masha's regeneration, giving enemies a time window to eliminate her.

Defensive Items

Defensive Items can offer protection against Masha's aggressive playstyle and high physical damage output.

  • Antique Cuirass: Reduces the physical attack of attackers after taking hits from them.
  • Immortality: Grants a resurrection after a fatal blow, allowing for a second chance in battle.

A defensive strategy can provide the necessary durability to withstand Masha's onslaught.

Map Awareness and Positioning

When playing against Masha in Mobile Legends, map awareness is crucial. Players need to monitor Masha's movements constantly, as her high mobility can lead to sudden ganks and tower pushes. Positioning oneself not just defensively but also strategically ensures that engagements are on one's own terms.

  • Ward Placement: Use wards effectively to keep track of Masha. Placing them in the jungle and near Lord and Turtle can alert the team to her presence and objectives.
  • Minimap Monitoring: Regular checks on the minimap provide insight into Masha's location, helping to avoid her or set up counterplays.

Positioning is equally critical. Heroes with disabling skills should position themselves in anticipation of Masha's next move, ready to interrupt her. When retreating, they should move away from isolated areas where Masha thrives, heading towards teammates instead.

  • Engagement Zones: Preferably, engage Masha in areas where the team has vision control and close to turrets for backup.
  • Isolation Avoidance: Avoid wandering alone, as Masha excels in 1v1 situations. Stick with teammates to reduce her opportunities.

Strategic retreats play a part in countering Masha. When she activates her skills, players should disengage and wait for backup or until her skills are on cooldown.

  • Disengage: When Masha commits to a fight with her skills, briefly pull back, forcing her to waste her skill activations.
  • Reengage: Once her skills are on cooldown, regroup and counterattack with the team's crowd control heroes, capitalizing on her temporary weakness.

Team Composition and Tactics

When facing Masha in Mobile Legends, a team should focus on heroes that can either lock her down or burst her down before she utilizes her regenerative abilities. The following table outlines heroes that are effective against Masha, along with their roles:

Hero Role Ability
Eudora Mage Stuns and high burst damage
Kaja Support Suppress with Ultimate skill
Chou Fighter Knock-ups and displacement
Aurora Mage Freezing skills to control Masha
Franco Tank Suppressive hooks and ultimate

Teams should engage Masha when her „Life Recovery“ ability is on cooldown. The key is to chain crowd control abilities, such as stuns and knock-ups, to prevent her from escaping or healing. Eudora can unleash a powerful burst combo to deplete Masha's health quickly. Kaja can suppress her, so focusing damage on her during this time is crucial.

The fighters, specifically Chou, can provide consistent crowd control while the team focuses on taking Masha down. Using Aurora's freeze can give the team a momentary advantage, setting up for a powerful assault.

Franco's skills are invaluable, and positioning is essential. His hook can pull Masha away from her team, while his ultimate can lock her in place. Timing these skills with team attacks ensures Masha is overwhelmed and unable to recover.

In summary, teams should coordinate their crowd control and burst damage to counter Masha effectively. By applying continuous pressure and disabling her abilities, teams can mitigate Masha's presence in team fights.

Practice and Adaptation

When confronting Masha in Mobile Legends, players should integrate practice and adaptation into their strategy. Mastery of counter-heroes is not instantaneous but grows through consistent gameplay. Here are vital steps to consider:

  • Frequent Engagement: Players should repeatedly face Masha with their chosen counter-heroes. This familiarity reveals Masha’s strengths and exploitation windows.
  • Adapting to Matchups: Observe the dynamics between Masha and various counter-heroes. Each game offers insight into refining techniques and responses.
  • Skill Execution: Proficiency with counter skills is crucial. For instance, understanding when to deploy a stun or crowd control ability affects the duel outcome.

Hero Analysis:

Counter-Hero Key Ability Usage Timing
Franco Iron Hook / Brutal Mass Displacement
Aurora Coldness Destroy Freezing Crowd
Eudora Thunder's Wrath Burst Damage
  • Hero Selection: Prioritize heroes with displacement or crowd control abilities to interrupt Masha’s skills. Counters like Franco, Aurora, and Eudora can capitalize on these weaknesses.

Each encounter with Masha is an opportunity to refine both hero choice and battle strategy. Characters that can hinder her mobility and damage output, such as Kaja or Khufra, become more effective with each match. Players should engage in frequent matches, learn from their encounters, and continuously adapt their strategies to improve performance against Masha.

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