All about the Hearthstone Onyxia's Lair mini-set
A new Hearthstone update was released on February 15. This update includes a new mini-set of cards, new Battlegrounds heroes and the return of some old Battlegrounds heroes, the first time-based event in Mercenaries and the start of a new Arena season.
The new Hearthstone mini expansion contains 35 unique cards, consisting of four legendary, one epic, fourteen rare and sixteen common cards. You can check out all the new cards on the PlayHearthstone website. Starting February 15, these cards can be found in Fractured in Alterac Valley packs, or you can buy the set as a whole for 15 euros or 2000 gold. For the first time, you can also purchase the entire set as gold cards for 70 euros. The gold set can unfortunately not be purchased with gold from the game.
By only logging in after February 15, each player will receive the diamond version of the card of Vanndar Stormpike anyway, since the Alliance won the battle for Alterac Valley. At the start of Fractured in the Alterac Valley, players had to choose a side: the Horde or the Alliance. Each side also had a legendary card attached to it. By winning pots players collected so-called honor points. At the end of the battle period, the side with the most accumulated honor points won. This was the Alliance. As a result, all players receive the diamond card of the legendary belonging to the Alliance.
In addition to new cards, the mini-set also includes new hero skins. Remarkably, the heroes seem to look much happier and even have pets. For example, the new portrait of priest shows a playful cub.
The new mini-set revolves around the fight against the dragons in Onyxia's cave. Therefore, the most talked about card since launch is the dragon Kazakusan, one of the legendary cards. It is a neutral card, but was mostly played in Druid decks in the first days. The card gives you a deck of treasures provided all minions in your deck are dragons.
The theme of the new mini-set is also the setting for Masters Tour One. The Masters Tour will be played from February 18 to 20. Opinions are divided about the launch of the mini-set so soon after such an important tournament. For all the players who are not participating in the Masters Tour, it is at least a nice way to see which new cards are doing well and to study the new meta.
Other game modes
Three new heroes have been added for Battlegrounds, including Onyxia. In addition, the three old heroes Kael'thas, Silas Darkmoon and Chenvaala have been brought back into the game. For players with Battlegrounds perks, the new heroes will be playable starting February 15. Other players may wait until an update on March 1. There are also some updates to some buddies, the in-game animations and a new board design available in the shop.
Mercenaries is getting a time-based event for the first time. Players must complete a chain of ten tasks between February 22 and March 8 to unlock a reward.