6 tips to defend better in FIFA 23
Many players underestimate the value of getting better at defending in FIFA 23. Everyone focuses on the offense first, but a good defense wins matches just like in real soccer. These tips will help you become a better defender in FIFA 23. This will help you score fewer goals, win more matches and get better rewards.
Use the Jockey button
Like last year, the jockey button is one of the most important things to use when defending. When using the jockey feature, the defender is going to position himself better towards the attacker and you can intercept the ball more easily. We always recommend keeping some distance, about one meter, and then waiting for the attacking side to make an action. If you think you have the action figured out, then it is time to increase the pressure and intercept the ball.
The jockey button is L2 on the PlayStation and LB on the Xbox. You can possibly combine this with the sprint button. R2 on PlayStation and RB on Xbox. Be careful though, because this makes your player less agile. This can be useful, for example, when defending fast outside players.
Go practice with this and find out how best to use the jockey button. It is absolutely not necessary to hold it down at all times. Try to alternate this well and when you have to enter a sprint duel or block a certain space, use the sprint button and let go of the jockey.
Minimal use of the tackle button
The jockey button is sufficient in most situations to tackle a ball. If you get close to the attacker and use this button, the player intercepts the ball. This means that the tackle button is superfluous. We recommend using the tackle button as little as possible. You can make an unnecessary foul faster, which can lead to a dangerous standard situation. Of course, a tactical foul is sometimes necessary, just like in real soccer.
Slidings are the last option
We can say the same about the sliding button as about tackling. A sliding tackle is really the very last option if you think there is no other way to intercept the ball or the attack. It is a big risk, because if you don't intercept the ball then the opponent is gone. So use it only in emergencies!
Second man press
The second man press is back in FIFA 23. It allows you to put extra pressure on the attacking side. When defending, you need to use the R1 on the PlayStation and RT on the Xbox. When you press this button, a green arrow will appear above the player for you to automatically apply extra pressure on the player with the ball.
The second man press is very useful when you want to apply extra pressure. Especially when defending in front of the sixteen-meter area. It is tempting to use it at all times. Absolutely do not do this! You can put players out of position very quickly and create many dangerous spaces behind the defense.
Player switching
In the area of player switching there is a lot to gain for many players. The value of mastering player switching is often underestimated. In FIFA 23 you have three options to switch players. The most well-known is the L1 or LT button. This allows you to switch players quickly. In your settings, you can choose whether to switch to the player closest to the ball or player nearby.
This is not always the best option or the player you want to switch to. Therefore, it is recommended to master player switching with the right joystick. This gives you more freedom to select the right player. It reduces stress and unnecessary switching to other players. In close-range situations, every second counts. If you take too long to switch players, you may have already cashed in a goal.
Shielding Passes
Something that comes back every year in the tips of defending is shielding dangerous pass directions. On the counterattack, it is very useful to use the spaces behind the defense. You want to cover these as much as possible, which you do by shielding the passing directions and running lines of the players.
In FIFA 23, through balls are very dangerous. These are long balls that people try to pass over the defensive line. Detect when there is space for this and recognize it in time. You do this by switching to the right defender and making sure you are always one step ahead of the attacker. Instead of putting pressure on the ball, in this situation you want to run with the attacker who makes a dangerous run and tries to get behind the defense.